Commodity trading-how has it gone so far?

I started commodity trading earlier this week with a demo account, just to see what would happen.

I have traded for 4 days as I write this and I am showing a profit of €15,439.69.

I have only executed 1 or 2 trades per day and have not spent any time on technical or fundamental analysis.

I have my own method which takes very little time and is based on the one advantage any trader has: he chooses when to sell.

And my strategy is also based on the truism that you will never go bust selling too soon, provided you are in profit.

My intention is to run the experiment, with the demo account from Plus 500, for about a month and see how I have fared. I will report back here and show screenshots of all the trades.

You will see from the screenshot on this page of my trades and closed positions that I have bought wheat, platinum, gasoline, cotton, coffee, natural gas, and gold. You will see the times and dates on the right-hand side of when I closed out the position.

In the interests of full disclosure, I have one open position (natural gas) and the markets are closed. I am looking at a significant loss on this trade if I was to close out now but I will wait to Monday or Tuesday next week and see if there is a recovery.

At that point I will either take a profit or accept the loss.