Choosing an estate agent to sell your house will involve a few important considerations. One of the most important factors will be your gut feel when you first meet him/her.
But don’t fall for one of the oldest tricks in the book.
Let’s say you see three estate agents and two of them value your property at €275,000 but the third one values it at €300,000 and is confident of getting that price.
Don’t just fall for the one who puts the biggest ‘valuation’ on your property.
It is an easy, and understandable, thing to do.
But it is not smart.
The only person who will determine the value of your property will be the buyer. Not the estate agent.
It may or may not be the case that your house makes €300k eventually. But the market will determine this.
Don’t simply plump for the estate agent who gives you the biggest number.
It is one of the oldest tricks in the book. And one of the most effective.
Learn more about selling your house here.