Mainstream media-13 questions

Mainstream media (MSM) has come in for a lot of criticism over the last few years. Is it justified? Why? We must first consider the alternative(s) and ask a series of questions: When considering the alternative, run through questions 1 to 12 above.

No power-how we adapted

Storm Darragh caused our power to be out for most of yesterday, along with hundreds of thousands of other people in Ireland. It is amazing the degree to which you become dependent on power coming into the house and how much you miss it when it is gone. We had no lights, water, toilets, tv,… Continue reading No power-how we adapted

ChatGPT in the solicitor’s practice

I began to look again at Artificial Intelligence this week, and how it might help me in my everyday life, particularly in my solicitor’s practice. I had attended a CPD event last week and one of the talks was about the use of ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in a legal practice. The speaker was from… Continue reading ChatGPT in the solicitor’s practice

The changing culture

Maybe it is the birth of two grandchildren in the last few weeks that has me concerned about the changing culture in Ireland. The culture of hatred of difference-whether on the grounds of ethnic origin, sexuality, religion-seems to have taken root in the last few years, aided and abetted by the use of social media.… Continue reading The changing culture

The comments would wear you down

The comments you read online would wear you down. The constant, drip-drip effect of misinformed, ignorant, racist, homophobic, transphobic, misogynist comments would turn your stomach. Sometimes yo wonder about continuing to publish videos on topics outside of a narrow, legal area of law. But narrowing down my focus would not work. Because many of the… Continue reading The comments would wear you down