High Court only for “paupers and multi-millionaires”

The President of the High Court, Mr Justice Peter Kelly, opined a few years ago that only “paupers and millionaires” could afford to litigate in the High Court. A recently retired Judge, Deirdre Murphy, says that that quote should now be amended to “paupers and multimillionaires”. At a recent talk she made some interesting observations… Continue reading High Court only for “paupers and multi-millionaires”

Categorized as Law, Society

A clean criminal record and no All Ireland medals or a medal and a conviction?

The household I was brought up in was one in which an All-Ireland medal winner was a man to be looked up to. Revered, even. When I was a young lad, and I know there are many GAA families and households around the country with the same view, the thought of winning an All-Ireland medal… Continue reading A clean criminal record and no All Ireland medals or a medal and a conviction?

Drawing dumb conclusions from the Kyle Hayes sentence

The sentencing in the Kyle Hayes assault case took place yesterday in Limerick Circuit Court. As you would expect the sentence handed down by the Judge has generated an enormous amount of comment online, on platforms like Twitter/X, YouTube, TikTok, and so forth. What amazes me is the ability of many of the commenters to… Continue reading Drawing dumb conclusions from the Kyle Hayes sentence

Is a schoolteacher equipped to make good decisions about corporate governance?

I looked up Catherine Martin’s background last week, given the controversy surrounding RTE governance, the resignation of the Chair of the Board of RTE, Siún Ní Raghallaigh. My suspicion was correct: she was a schoolteacher. A teacher of English and Music in a community school for 15 years. Being a schoolteacher is a hugely importantly… Continue reading Is a schoolteacher equipped to make good decisions about corporate governance?

The countryside comes alive from the seat of a Vespa

I’ve been out and about pretty much every day on my Vespa scooter since it was delivered. I have been mainly travelling the back roads around my home. I have never ridden a scooter or motorbike before, so I thought it sensible to spend some time getting used to riding a scooter. I am thoroughly… Continue reading The countryside comes alive from the seat of a Vespa