This one decision before my annual leave was crucial

One of the big problems with small professional practices like mine is when we return from our annual leave. Everything revolves around the one person in a sole practitioner office, and the same would apply to professionals in different industries who operate as solo entrepreneurs. The big problem when you come back is the amount… Continue reading This one decision before my annual leave was crucial

This platform is growing quietly and working hard for me and my business

Up to recently the average number of plays per episode of my podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, on Spotify alone was 81 plays per episode. When you consider that I have published 466 episodes to date the figure of 81 plays per episode is pretty good. But now the average number of… Continue reading This platform is growing quietly and working hard for me and my business

First impressions last

We moved from Inchydoney Island Lodge and Spa in Inchydoney to Glengariff, West Cork this week. We had a tremendous time in Inchydoney but our first impressons in Eccles Hotel in Glengarrif were fomed with the first person we met, the receptionist, and it was a disappointing interaction. Everything since then, and our impressions of… Continue reading First impressions last

Starting your own business-the priorities

I am often asked for a consultation with a would be entrepreneur. It will be someone who has an idea for a new business, or intend starting a company, or developing something, or who intends taking over an existing business. From the outset, however, their budget does not seem to be adequate. For they want… Continue reading Starting your own business-the priorities

The theory and practice of people management

I have been managing people since 1986. And before then I studied people management, behavioural science, and all that good stuff when I did a B. Commerce degree in University College Dublin. I quickly learned about the chasm between the theory and practice of managing people. And I continue, forty years later, to recognise and… Continue reading The theory and practice of people management

I ended up shouting at the so-called marketing expert

I ended up shouting at the podcast episode I was listening to on my morning cycle over around Kinnegad, Clogherinkoe and back home. The so-called expert, Mark Schaeffer, on the Social Media Marketing Podcast was talking about Social Media Marketing nowadays and how much it has changed over the last 10 or 20 years. He… Continue reading I ended up shouting at the so-called marketing expert