I have been considering for some time offering a way to viewers and/or subscribers of my YouTube channel to support the channel.
I have backed away from it several times in 2024.
But now, at the end of the year, I have decided to provide the opportunity for those who want to support my channel.
I have a decision to make between BuyMeACoffee (the preferred option), Patreon and YouTube membership.
I have some more research to do but think that BuyMeACoffee’s no pressure approach is best for me and what I am looking to do.
In the future I may create some exclusive content and put it behind a paywall. But not for some time as I want to keep as much content open and free as possible.
There may be one or two topics or issues (and I can think of a few) which would be suitable for charging a fee. But for now, I just want to give viewers an opportunity to support the channel and recognise the value in my videos, if they see value.
If they do not see value or do not want to support the channel monetarily, that’s fine. No problem.
But some may be anxious to see the channel maintained and the comments I have received throughout the year would suggest there is a good deal of support.