An invaluable tool for presenting legal cases

One tool that I find tremendously useful for WRC hearings is a spreadsheet.

It matters little whether it is a Google Sheet or a Microsoft XL spreadsheet, either will do.

The value it provides is as follows.

I create a timeline with my client’s story from beginning to end. The dates will be on the furthest left column and the event, detail, fact that I want to put into evidence will be in the middle column.

And on the right-hand side I will have the appendix number of the relevant document, if any, that is buried in my written submission. This might be a medical report, an email, a report, a letter.

The key thing is I can find it quickly and refer the adjudicator to the correct appendix in the submission, too.

It’s important, also, that I can get my client’s story told in a logical sequence. It helps with this, too.

The humble spreadsheet greatly assists with this, and helps too with bringing all the disparate facts, pieces of information, and documents on which I will be relying into one document. It gives me a roadmap through what could otherwise be a confusing mish mash of facts, arguments, law, reports, letters, emails, medical reports, and so forth.

Anyone can get their hands on this inexpensive tool; there are even free versions for your computer.

But the job it can do, if used correctly and laid out properly in advance, is immeasurable in value.

I think of it as the road map through my client’s case, and a tool to help me persuade the decision maker and give him/her an easier time deciding in my client’s favour.

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