Eight mask discrimination decisions from the WRC so far this year. Only one case succeeded, the other seven failed.
There is a report in the Irish Times this morning. The Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) have published a report showing an avalanche of claims of discrimination in connection with the public health regulations compelling the wearing of masks in certain places, such as shops.
These claims are of discrimination on the basis that the complainant was exempt from the requirement to wear a mask yet were refused service or ejected from a premises or some other act of discrimination.
Only one case has succeeded from the decisions to date. But the WRC report that they have had over 500 complaints under the Equal Status Acts and a “mountain” of them arise from so called mask discrimination cases.
I have dealt with one such case myself. The case has been heard and we await the decision of the Adjudication Officer. I would be surprised and disappointed if my client’s claim fails.
But who knows? These statistics from the WRC in this morning’s paper would not provide many grounds for confidence. Yet every case must be determined on its own facts so we will wait and see.