The best thing about my podcast

My podcast, the Irish Law and Small Business Podcast, is continuing to grow without any effort on my part, save for uploading new episodes regularly.

It is amazing how many people find it and listen and mention it to me when they come to the office for a meeting.

Some statistics from Spotify include

  • 52,863 plays to date
  • 1,091 Spotify followers
  • Average of 89 plays per episode
  • 463 episodes

These statistics come from Spotify only. Another significant tranche of followers and listeners can be found on Apple Podcasts.

The great thing about doing this type of work is that each episode will continue to work and attract new listeners over time. Unlike a Tweet, for example, which might have a lifespan of an hour or two.

The best thing of all, however, is the fact that the podcast is made from videos which I have already made for YouTube and other social media sites.

Therefore, the only work involved in growing my podcast is uploading the new video when it is made and published on YouTube.

This involves a tremendous return on the one piece of work, the single video.

Anyway, you can check it out here.