Self-representing employees and imminent WRC hearings

I am frequently contacted by employees who have submitted a Workplace Relations Commission claim and the hearing is imminent.

They are looking for representation and/or advice.

It’s too late from my perspective, and I cannot help them.

Getting ready for a WRC hearing is a time consuming and demanding task. It involves the preparation of a submission which maximizes the chances of success.

This, in turn, requires some time becoming acquainted with the facts and researching the law. This cannot be done in a matter of days.

And, in any case, the employee who is approaching me a week or two before a hearing has probably already put in their submission.

If you are an employee and you think you will need representation at the WRC hearing bear in mind that your representation should start before your claim is even submitted to the WRC.

Going to a professional advisor late in the day, perhaps having failed to bring the correct or best claim(s) and having submitted an amateurish submission in support of your case, is not advisable.

Don’t be surprised if you are on your own.

Learn more about employment law in Ireland here.