Why I am happy with the outcome of the election

I am pleased with the outcome of the general election in 2024.

It is not clear yet how a government will be formed, nor who will be Taoiseach.

What is pleasing for me, however, is the fact that in the exit poll carried out the question of “immigration” was only the top priority for 6% of the electorate.

And this statistic has been borne out in the election itself with parties who are not “anti immigration” forming an overwhelming majority of the electorate.

You would have thought over the last 12 months, given the amount of noise and heat generated online about immigration, that we were going to see sweeping changes in the election with a raft of racists being elected.

But it turns out that the quiet majority are satisfied to have an inclusive, enlightened, generous policy towards asylum seekers and those fleeing persecution and war.

Yes, we want the system to work more efficiently and decisions about asylum made at a faster pace. And deportations following the decision in a timely manner.

But we are prepared to abide by our international legal obligations to asylum seekers.

This election has proved that the electorate are not well represented on Twitter, and other social media platforms.