“What’s with the rainbow tie?” was part of the comment on my YouTube video.
The video was about the school/employer in the Enoch Burke case going to the High Court to pursue Burke’s assets by way of sequestration for his breach of High Court orders prohibiting him from entering the school while suspended.
Last week a commenter on my Facebook page made a comment to the effect that judging from the tie I was wearing she knew I was biased about the case.
These two comments gave me a slight, hazy peep into what it must be like to be discriminated against.
I am a white man living in what has been traditionally a society dominated by white men. I have never experienced discrimination, at least not that I am aware of.
I have never felt adverse judgment as a consequence of the colour of my skin or how I looked or where I was from.
But the comments on my colourful ties angered me and gave me a slight insight into how angry I might get if I was judged by how I looked or the colour of my skin.
It is shocking and dismaying in 2022/2023 that there are still individuals in society who are prepared to make judgments based on how a person looks or what they are wearing.