The quiet, silent majority will have their say when it counts

I published a video over the weekend, and I expected a bit of flak about it.

Surprisingly it has been extremely well received and most commenters agree with the opinion I have shared in it.

The video is about the necessity for the repossession and sale of property and why this is essential in a functioning property market.

I expected the usual suspects to be active in the comments berating the banks, the government, the EU, greed property speculators/developers. But there were very few such comments.

Most agreed with me, in fact. Which was a pleasant surprise.

But this is consistent with recent opinion polls as to the state of the political parties in Ireland. These polls have shown sold support for Fine Gael and Fianna Fail, despite the loud criticisms of many individuals online over the last few years and the presence of these two parties in government for such a long period of time.

It appears that there is a quiet/silent tranche of individuals whose voice is seldom heard on social media but will be heard in a general election, and who are quite capable of forming sensible, rational decisions and opinions on a whole slew of topics.