The Enoch Burke comments online

It is difficult to know if certain Enoch Burke supporters publish the online comments they do in the full knowledge that they are wrong/mistaken but go ahead and make the comments anyway, for whatever reason.

Or if they genuinely believe them and they are genuinely held views.

For example, the comment that Enoch Burke will have a massive payout from the State on foot of his ‘unlawful imprisonment’. Or that he will be reinstated in his job at Wilson’s Hospital School.

Do they say certain things because that is their agenda, or because they think it will wind up the other side?

Or do they actually believe what they publish?

The High Court decision of Mr Justice Alexander Owens, for example, touches upon the essential trust and confidence that an employer is entitled to have in an employee.

Given that Enoch Burke was dismissed in 2023, was suspended in 2022 and has cost the school a fortune in legal costs how likely is it that a court would order reinstatement to his former position?