Technical defences to debt claims and pseudo law

A reasonable person should, in my view, be surprised at the number of individuals who still believe in the fake/pseudo law around the issue of avoiding liability for debts incurred.

After the collapse of the Celtic Tiger property market and the seismic collapse of banks and the need for the State bailout of lenders, and after the various schemes and arrangements to help people deal with their debt arising from that crash, there is still a small number of individuals who think there is some silver bullet.

They think there is some technical defence or approach to the debt.

They spread their misinformation online wherever you can deploy a keyboard to publish misinformation and disinformation and untruths and lies.

Maybe they actually believe the guff. Maybe, deep down, they know the truth.

Thankfully their number appears to be diminishing.

Because the evidence of their own eyes has been that there is no silver bullet.

In the vast majority of cases if you did not repay the loan it is still outstanding.