More business and investment related videos in 2025

In 2025 I think I will focus more of my attention on business related videos and what I have learned as a small business owner in Ireland since December 1986. The experience I have gained in a wide range of industries and economic circumstances is probably something I should be tapping into to a greater… Continue reading More business and investment related videos in 2025

The most important personal characteristic for investing in shares

You don’t make money in shares when you buy them. You don’t make money when you sell them. The money is made in the time in between these two events. The waiting. That is when you ensure a good return from investing in shares. The company in which you have invested is doing what it… Continue reading The most important personal characteristic for investing in shares

The first rule of investing

The first rule of investing is not to lose your money. The second rule of investing is to never forget the first rule. Smart, successful investors and business builders focus in the first instance on one question: “how can I lose my money here?” These investors and entrepreneurs are not focused on the upside potential… Continue reading The first rule of investing