Preparing for a WRC case-the biggest problem as a sole practitioner

As a sole practitioner one of the biggest problems I face when preparing for a WRC hearing is distraction.

That is, the many distractions in the office including other files, letters, emails, property transactions, wills, personal injury claims which demand some or all of my attention.

Being able to give an upcoming WRC hearing your full, undivided, focused attention is a luxury that must be fought for tooth and nail.

But as a sole practitioner I recognise the show goes on in the office and I must deal with other matters, too, depending on urgency and priority.

I have to answer questions from my colleagues, approve this, disapprove that, give some direction on other things.

It can be hard to find the time and space to focus with deep, undisturbed attention on the WRC case, the evidence, the arguments, the direct examination, the cross examination, the preliminary objection.

But it must be done.

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