I got up at 4.30 am this morning to bake bread

I got up at 4.30 am this morning to bake bread.

It is the first morning in 7 that we have had power in the house.

The simple pleasure of being able to bake a loaf of bread, wash my hands, shave in a light filled bathroom is hard to overestimate after 6 days of cold, no water, no heat (save for an open fire in one room), no light, no flushing toilets.

It is easy to take things for granted, and the ease with which we can do things nowadays. It is only when it is removed that we truly appreciate how convenient and easy things can be.

By the way, an ESB worker called to the house last night after 9 pm making enquiries about the line and how it approached our house. Hats off to him, and his colleagues.