How to build stronger connections

If you are a small business owner or entrepreneur who wants to build a stronger sense of connection with those you seek to serve there is an easy, powerfully effective tactic.

Share a little bit of your real self with your audience.

I don’t know how many times at this stage people who have come to my office for a consultation will mention, as they are leaving, that they love my bread videos or they see that I like feeding the birds.

These activities are evident from my YouTube videos and have nothing to do with business or law.

But they are tremendously effective in building connection because the viewer may not have law or business in common with me. But they may like to bake bread or be bird lovers or watchers.

Giving a little bit of your real self, not your professional persona, is an incredibly effective move that I came across accidentally.

Anyway, if you want to learn how I built my brand and business online the strategy is set out in this book.