We were in Kinsale yesterday as we are in Cork for the long weekend-the new public holiday on Friday in recognition of the Covid 19 sacrifices made by people etc.
Kinsale is a beautiful town and the Old Head of Kinsale is spectacular.
But I was staring into the window of a second hand book store when I spotted “Bound for Glory”, Woody Guthrie’s autobiography.
I had to buy it, knowing how iconic Guthrie was in the career and life of Bob Dylan.
I read all my books on Kindle and never would have thought to look for this one on Amazon. And when I went into the shop I saw another book about writing and words by Henry Miller. I did not even know this book existed and could not have searched online for it.
I am delighted with my 2 second hand books and look forward to reading them. But it is frightening that had I not physically looked into the window of the book store I would never have thought to buy them online and read them on Kindle.
Kinsale is well worth a visit, by the way, and the Old Head of Kinsale is spectacular. I will post photos another day when I take them off my camera whose battery has currently expired.
Yesterday’s blog post, written at 2.30 am this morning, was technically written today. But I am counting it as yesterday’s and part of my continuing effort to write a blog post on this site every day for at least 1 year.
The fact that I thought of it last night lying in bed and the fact that I got up at 2.30am and wrote it on my MacBook Air in the bathroom of our hotel bedroom gives me the right to claim it as that of Saturday 19th March 2022.