Enoch Burke cuts a pathetic figure

Enoch Burke cuts a pathetic figure standing in the rain outside his former workplace at the start of the school year.

He was dismissed from Wilson’s Hospital School and has not taught there for 2 years or more.

Why he is standing outside it from Thursday of this week is beyond me.

On Friday, it rained.

Anyone who cares about him or his views should try to persuade him to abandon this, and I use the word advisedly, “strategy”.

Why? Because it will achieve nothing apart from a return to Mountjoy Prison.

There are plenty of people online who are encouraging him, egging him on, telling him that they support him, telling him that they stand with him.

But Enoch is the only one wasting his time standing in the rain.

The supporters are doing so from the comfort of their homes or workplaces. They have not put any skin in the game.

They are happy to egg him on because they see Burke’s actions as giving the middle finger to bodies or ideas that they don’t like.

So they “stand with Enoch”.

They need to do the decent thing and persuade him to do something else.