Adults still in charge; Sinn Fein must learn this lesson

Early indications from the local elections suggest that the adults are still in charge. The promised tsunami of a radical, right wing political force in Ireland has not materialised. Yes, there will be a few individuals who will win council seats on the basis of bashing foreigners and spreading an “Ireland is full” message. But… Continue reading Adults still in charge; Sinn Fein must learn this lesson

Advising a newcomer to Ireland about tax, law, business

I had an interesting consultation this week with a newcomer to Ireland. He intends setting up an office here in Ireland, buying property, employing staff and running a business. He has a number of high-level questions about From my perspective it was a valuable exercise to have to think about these matters and explain them… Continue reading Advising a newcomer to Ireland about tax, law, business

Categorized as Society

Peter Casey’s Presidential Pardon for Enoch Burke

It’s disappointing to see that Peter Casey fellow engaging in far right, populism to try to make himself relevant in the upcoming elections. I think he is running for the European Parliament but I would be satisfied that he is an attention seeking irrelevancy, so I have not bothered to look into it deeply. The… Continue reading Peter Casey’s Presidential Pardon for Enoch Burke

The Trump convictions-what impact in November?

The Trump cult members/supporters are not happy. Even though they claim he will still win the Presidential election in November they don’t like their man being confirmed as a felon and convicted criminal. And perhaps there is a particle of doubt creeping into their minds that these 34 criminal convictions will hamper Trump’s election campaign… Continue reading The Trump convictions-what impact in November?

Trump convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records

Up to yesterday, Donald Trump, former President of the United States, was merely a sexual deviant, grifter, charlatan, liar, boor, and cheat. Now he is a convicted criminal, having been convicted on all 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. Trump has been found guilty by 12 ordinary New Yorkers. Not by Joe Biden, not… Continue reading Trump convicted on all 34 counts of falsifying business records

Google change the game and are blowing up search results with Gemini AI

I read a fascinating article in the Irish Times this morning about Google doing away with search results and links to sites in the United States. And replacing them with results from Google’s own AI tool, Gemini AI. The impact on the website traffic to sites dependent on advertising and ranking well in search has… Continue reading Google change the game and are blowing up search results with Gemini AI