One thing that perplexes me is the willingness of people to make assumptions and confident statements with no evidence or data to back up the conclusion.
Another thing that puzzles me is the person who draws a conclusion and adopts a position on the basis of only one piece of evidence.
This is as stupid as the first group, in my view.
I have written and made videos about being wiped out financially when the Celtic Tiger property boom came to a shuddering halt.
But when I discuss investing in property now 15 years later you have the individual asking why would you invest in property given what happened in 2008/2009.
I answer that simply because you have fallen off a bicycle does not mean you will never cycle again. That would be irrational and perverse.
Equally, to decide to never invest in property as a result of what happened in the Celtic Tiger boom is irrational and a dumb conclusion to draw.
Circumstances change, and you deal with the new data.
But don’t draw lifelong investing conclusions based on one crash or correction.