Threats to solicitor practicing in immigration law are odious

It’s truly shocking that the Law Society of Ireland have had to issue a statement in support of a colleague of mine, Imran Khurshid.

Mr Khurshid has been threatened with arson and violence because he does immigration law and represents immigrants. Keir Starmer has described such activity as “far right thuggery”.

Mr Khurshid has reported the threats to An Garda Siochana.

The Law Society has issued a statement expressing concern about the threat to the rule of law in Ireland if such threats are allowed to happen without comment or action.

Posts on Twitter/X called for his practice to be burned out and for Mr Khurshid to be “chased out of Ireland”.

Mr Khurshid has been practicing as a solicitor in Ireland for as long as I have.

And he has as much right to practice law here as I have.

An attack like this is not just an attack on my colleague, it is an attack on all solicitors, on the State itself, and on the rule of law.