I know this girl who has done a great job in rearing 2 children on her own over the last 20 years or so.
The relationship with the father did not work out, and she never married anyone else.
As sure as day follows night, they are a family.
I know another girl who has 4 children and lives with her partner in a stable, loving relationship for 20 years or thereabouts, too. They never got married.
They are a family too, in my book.
But the Irish constitution does not recognise these families because they are not founded on marriage.
It does not afford constitutional protection to one parent families and cohabiting couples.
I am voting “yes” in the upcoming referendum proposal to amend the 1937 Irish Constitution, Bunreacht na hEireann.
I will take the opportunity to amend the 1937 Constitution, reflective of its time, place and culture, to reflect the diversity of family life in Ireland in 2024.
I will recognise that 40% of children born in Ireland are born outside of marriage or civil partnerships.
I will vote “Yes” to enhance our Constitution and to reflect the change in culture which has occurred from 1937 to 2024.
I will vote “Yes” also to the proposal to delete article 41.2 which provides that the State shall endeavour to support a woman’s work in the home.
I believe this wording is discriminatory and outdated and reflects the culture of 1937, not 2024.
The proposed replacement article provides that the State shall “strive” to support care provided by family members to one another.
I have an opportunity to change the culture in 2024. I believe it is time to update an 87 year old legal document.
That’s why I intend voting “yes” to both proposed changes.